The Minimalist Mindset
A step-by-step to guide to writing a better life story.
Mission Accomplished!
As of May 25th 2017, I completed every item on my Life List. You can check out the wrap up post here.
Latest Stories
How do you want to remember your experience of the pandemic?
These questions are an opportunity to craft a story that you will be proud to tell. Your actions right now and in the coming months will become the plot of your story.
Escaping a Cruise Ship During The Outbreak of COVID-19
My interior cabin had no window. I was on a 3,700 person cruise ship deep in the middle of the Caribbean and I had no way to escape.
On Turning 1 Billion Seconds Old: The Learnable Skills That Proved To Be The Most Valuable
Upon looking back on my first one billion seconds, I want to share the learnable skills that have helped me the most in my life. In addition to sharing the skills, I also want to share with you the learning resources that proved most effective when learning the given skill.
Latest Adventures
Escaping a Cruise Ship During The Outbreak of COVID-19
My interior cabin had no window. I was on a 3,700 person cruise ship deep in the middle of the Caribbean and I had no way to escape.
On Turning 1 Billion Seconds Old: The Learnable Skills That Proved To Be The Most Valuable
Upon looking back on my first one billion seconds, I want to share the learnable skills that have helped me the most in my life. In addition to sharing the skills, I also want to share with you the learning resources that proved most effective when learning the given skill.
Adventure On The Trans-Siberian Railway
Sitting alone in the dining car, my stomach full of borsch, vodka, and beer, I sat for hours looking out the window. Being far out of cell service and thousands of miles away from my responsibilities, I was delightfully free.
Latest Guides
The Beginner’s Guide To Productivity
After spending over 100 hours researching, testing and using a vast number of productivity techniques, tools, books, and software, I have chosen the following productivity resources as the best of the best. This guide starts with the assumption that you know nothing about productivity and walks you step-by-step through a streamlined process for learning to be productive. This guide is a distillation of only the truly valuable resources that you need in order to master the skill of productivity in your own life.
The Beginner’s Guide To Meditation
After spending hours analyzing the latest research regarding the science of meditation, Brenda Umana, (who holds a Masters of Public Health from Columbia University) has combined her eight years of practice in meditation in both the United States and in India to narrow down the key actions newcomers should take to most efficiently learn the skill of meditation.
The Beginner’s Guide To Live Storytelling
After interviewing award-winning radio producer (This American Life‘s Seth Lind), television writers (Bojack Horseman‘s Shauna McGarry and The Slate‘s Kevin Allison), competitive storytelling champion (The Moth‘s David Crabb), podcast hosts (Risk!‘s Kevin Allison and Michelle Walson), and best-selling author (Margo Leitman), Washington Post reporter and three-time Moth champion, Melanie Hamlett has narrowed down the key actions newcomers should take to most efficiently learn the art of storytelling.