Life Listed is a curated list of the most effective techniques for learning valuable skills.

Our team of researchers and subject matter experts painstakingly research and test skill-focused classes, books, techniques, methods, services and equipment in order to determine the most effective learning paths for most people. With our recommendations, you can avoid wasting time, energy, and money and start using the most effective learning methods from the moment you start learning a new skill.

When our research shows that learning a skill for oneself is not the best method for most people, we use our same rigorous standards to determine the best services for completing the given task.

We aim to become your most trusted resource for learning how to learn so that you can accomplish extraordinary things.

Skills… and Services?

After spending thousands of hours researching a vast variety of skill learning techniques, we have learned that for some skills, learning the given skill oneself is not the best method for attaining ones’ goal. For example, for certain aspects of car maintenance, it is both more cost-effective and time-effective for most people to hire a mechanic. In these cases, our experts do the research to determine the best way for most people to find a qualified mechanic in their area.

How We Make Money

If readers choose to buy the products or services that we recommend, our work is often (but not always) supported through an affiliate commission from the retailer when the reader visits the retailer’s website or makes a purchase. If readers return their purchases or cancel services because they’re dissatisfied or our recommendation was incorrect, we make less money.

In this way, we are incentivized only to recommend what are truly the best learning techniques and services.

To ensure the integrity of work, we have instituted a firewall within our company to separate our researchers from our revenue team. Our researchers, writers and editors are never made aware of which products, services or companies may have established affiliate relationships with our revenue team before making their recommendations. They are purposefully independent.

What We Stand For

In an online sea of misinformation and fake news, we stand above with a commitment to trustworthiness. Being worthy of earning your trust is our guiding light and impacts every decision that we make. It is our one and only business tenet.

Why We Exist

Success should not be the domain of only a few.

Since success is usually earned by the use of a specific set of skills, those skills become atypically valuable. To enable the most amount of people to become successful, the best path to learning those valuable skills should be made known and be freely available to all.

Our brains are problem-solving machines of incredible value and importance. We spend our entire lives processing information in the pursuit of survival and betterment. Unfortunately, the results of this processing are stored internally and rarely shared efficiently with others.

There is a better way.

A much more efficient system would be one that enabled people to document and share their successful learning paths so others could benefit from their work and not need to duplicate the efforts that were previously discovered to be ineffective.

As one person figured out a better solution to a common problem, a community knowledge base should be updated so that everyone can benefit from the newly learned insight.

Right now we do this in many areas of science, but oddly we don’t do this in the most common areas of human thought, everyday problem-solving.

To correct this situation, we have built a publicly accessible curated resource of the most effective methods for learning valuable skills. We make these guides freely available to the public and strive to enable anyone who is willing to put in the effort to learn to be able to become successful.

Standing On The Shoulders of Giants

We are not the first people to obsess over the curation of valuable information.

We are inspired by and stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us. These people include Brian Lam, Maria Montessori, Ptolemy I, Jimmy Wales, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin among many others.